Saturday, July 5, 2008

Chased By Girls!?

yes you read the title correctly, it just so happens that me and Nathan were chased by some girls tonight...baha!
so funny, we were riding our scooter all over corona tonight and wanted to go up main st. all the way to the old burnt down house, and this car was following us and just totally not caring we were so slow. and they parked, we went all the way up the hill. turned around, and they turned around. and so on we just couldnt ditch them! then i fliped a B and they almost killed me. pretty fun, but i got tired and now im home, 3 am. freeekn tired. gooooooooodnight you misspelled, totally not fun blogg
this video makes me so happy, mainly because the dupree sisters are in it and theyre beauts
think i wanna die

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